Education For Life - Escoteiros do Brasil
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Education For Life

Education for Life

We understand that educating for life is to reaffirm our humanistic view of education, which understands human beings in their enormous complexity. It also proposes developing to use their full potential, so they live healthier, fuller and happier lives. With our proposal, we mean to help people be able to intervene in the decisive issues of health and well-being, and to participate creatively and actively in constructing a more just, solidarity-based and equitable society.

The Scout Movement progressively provides our youth with opportunities to grow as people, developing as responsible, supportive, autonomous and committed individuals, in accordance with the values ​​of the Scout Law and Promise. We collaborate decisively in the acquisition of life skills, such as autonomy, self-confidence, determination, leadership, respect for diversity, the ability to deal with complexity, among others.

Education Project

Brazilian Scouting’s Educational Project is the set of ideas and fundamental definitions that give our organization identity and purpose, explaining our educational proposal and specifying the means needed to achieve it. In short, it is a proclamation that justifies our existence.

In the general lines of our Educational Project, we find the fundamentals defined by our founder, Baden-Powell, and adopted by the World Organization of the Scout Movement. These offer a general vision of the key elements that characterize our Movement, thus guaranteeing that the Scouting offered in Brazil stays relevant by aligning its educational proposal to social reality.

Its structure presents the Scout Movement as a proposal to educate for life, describing, in an current fashion, our definitions and fundamental convictions. In this context, it considers the main trends of the youth in our country, global challenges and Brazilian Scouting commitment in this scenario, including the SDGs as a global development agenda.

Part of our Educational Project is a clear and updated description of our purpose of integral development and education for life, whose mission is to contribute, through a system of progressive self-education, to the education of people who will transform the world,. In this sense, we will present our Principles, Scout Method and Educational Program.

Finally, the Educational Project should describe the profile of people we want to help grow, expressing the set of desirable characteristics at the end of their time in the Scout Movement.

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